Choices that Created the Oregon Mystique: Governor Tom McCall's Foresight and Accomplishments

Project Description
Beach Bill
Bottle Bill
Land Use
Pioneering Performance Measures
Other Resources
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Tom McCall (1913-1983) served as Governor of Oregon from 1967-1975. A colorful and controversial public figure, he and his administration are still referred to frequently in the local media and by elected officials, social commentators, and activists. Governor McCall rallied support to protect Oregon beaches, pass the first Bottle Bill, establish statewide land use planning, and pioneer government-wide performance measures.

This site provides access to information about these four major interests and achievements during his term in office, including some documents previously not available online. If you are working on a project related to this topic, use a fast cheap essay writing service to get assistance. It is one of the places where you can find the best college essay writing service and get what you need.

The Beach Bill collection describes circumstances surrounding the passage of the bill and provides access to: the text of the original 1967 legislation; a newpaper article printed the day after it was signed into law; the text of a speech by Oregon Secretary of State Bill Bradbury celebrating the Beach Bill's 35th anniversary; an image of McCall's official state portrait; and links to three relevant external webpages.

The Bottle Bill collection describes circumstances surrounding the passage of the bill and provides access to: the text of the original 1971 legislation; a newpaper article printed soon after it was signed into law; an editorial published the day before it took effect over a year later; and links to two relevant external webpages.

The Land Use collection describes circumstances surrounding the passage of the bill and provides access to: the text of the original 1973 legislation; a comprehensive newpaper article printed days before it was signed into law; "The Oregon Land Use Story," a document commissioned by McCall summarizing the state's land use history; and an external website and "The Willamette Valley Choices for the Future," a farsighted planning document published in 1972 that piqued interest in McCall's vision.

The Performance Measures collection provides access to "Goals for a Livable Oregon," a visionary performance management program for public agencies in the state, that was largely forgotten after McCall left office. It is available online for the first time, and will likely be of interest to governments that would like to integrate strategic planning, performance management, and budgeting. Are you stuck with I need someone to write my paper ? Find some useful materials on the previously mentioned issues on our website.

The Other Resources page provides references for books about McCall, McCall-related archives, and links to five external websites that include video and audio clips, photographs, and biographical information.

We hope you enjoy this collection and a view into the historical developments that helped create the "Oregon Mystique."

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This site was created in November 2005, for educational purposes only, as an assignment , Digital Libraries, Southern ,

Copyright 2005

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Last update: April 2, 2006